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Log Update Item Admin Columns Pro - Manage Columns In WordPress
This page only show history update item Admin Columns Pro - Manage Columns In WordPress.

* [YoastSEO] Editing the Primary Taxonomy column gave an error during saving

* [GravityForms] Export button did not appear for some specific Language installations

* [WooCommerce] New 'Fees' column for the Order list view

* [Updated] Admin Columns Core version 4.6.1

* [Fixed] Taxonomy ListScreen could give a PHP warning when the default taxonomies were unregistered

* [Fixed] Beaver Builder integration support was always initiated

* [Fixed] Expired licenses were not updated correctly when it was expired and re-activated or renewed

* [Fixed] Suppress more PHP 8.1 warnings

* [Fixed] JS null checks that could lead to JS errors

* [Improved] Smart Filtering for the Date Publish column now only filters dates for published posts

* [Added] Support for Beaver Builder template views

* [Added] New hook to toggle persistent sorting as a preference `acp/sorting/remember_last_sorting_preference`

* [Fixed] Smart Filtering for some Taxonomy columns did not work correctly

* [Fixed] Suppress PHP 8.1 warnings